It’s not the situation anyone plans for when heading into a plastic surgery consultation. You sit down with the surgeon, and they say, “no,” or “not just yet.” Not everyone is the best candidate for plastic surgery, but for some, surgery just isn’t an option – or they need to wait.
Why might this happen? There are plenty of reasons, but here are three that are more likely to pop up.
#1: You Aren’t Healthy Enough for Surgery
Sometimes, your overall health isn’t suited to an elective procedure. Plastic surgery procedures have an excellent safety record, especially when performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon. But there are always risks. Poor health increases these. Experienced surgeons will work with you to address underlying health concerns before surgery, and turn down patients who simply aren’t in good enough health for a procedure.
#2: Your Expectations Aren’t Grounded
Plastic surgeons love to work with patients who have expectations grounded in reality. Surgery is transformative but not magical. If you are expecting to wake up a different person or are hanging your mental health and confidence on a procedure, it’s possible your surgeon will turn you down.
#3: You’ve Already Had a Lot of Work Done
We all know those celebrities who are famous more for all the surgery they’ve had done than anything they’ve achieved themselves. And we all know they should have stopped several procedures ago. A good surgeon will draw the line in the sand if they feel the surgery you are asking for is one too many.
Of course, the only way to know if your surgeon will say yes or no is to schedule a consultation. Call the office at 615-327-7407 or fill out our contact form to speak with Dr. Davis and find out how the right cosmetic procedures can benefit you.