The Top 7 Most Popular Procedures for Males
- Rhinoplasty – 65,121 procedures
- Blephroplasty –Â 45,806 proceduresÂ
- Cheek Implant –Â 28,638 procedures
- Liposuction – Â 22,815 proceduresÂ
- Otoplasty –Â 22,464 proceduresÂ
- Neck Lift – 22,184 procedures
- Gynecomastia –Â 18,575 procedures
Sometimes referred to as a “nose job” by patients, Rhinoplasty is designed to enhance your appearance by making the nose proportional to the rest of your face. This procedure can also correct impaired breathing caused by structural defects in the nose. Correcting a deviated septum provides better alignment within the nose which increases airflow and breathing ease. Some men dislike the nose they were born with. Others aren’t happy with the way their nose has changed shape and size as they’ve aged. Sometimes an injury has caused distortion or damage to the nose. Men seek a rhinoplasty to correct a variety of issues. The key to male Rhinoplasty is for your surgeon to provide shape without feminizing the male nose.Blepharoplasty
More commonly referred to as “eyelid surgery”, a blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure designed to improve the appearance of upper eyelids, lower eyelids, or both. Men often show signs of aging around the eyes. Droopy eyelids or bulging under eyes can make you look fatigued and tired. Furrowed skin and lowered eyebrows that hang over the upper eyelids can make you appear grumpy or irritable. For these reasons the appearance of your eyes can affect how you are viewed in social situations and even in the workplace.Cheek Implant
Over 28,000 men chose to have malar augmentations, or “cheek implants” in 2020. Facial implants can be used to augment many areas of your face. Cheeks and chins are the most common areas for men.Men loose volume in their cheeks as they age. This leads to a sunken or hollow mid-face which can make you look much older than you actually are. Cheek implants can provide lift to sagging facial skin and also help your face have a more masculine contour and youthful appearance.
An important fact to remember about liposuction is it is designed as a contouring tool, not a weight loss technique. I strongly encourage anyone who is considering body contouring to first consider diet and exercise. The abdominal area and flanks can be shaped to provide a sleeker frame. If you look in the mirror and think “dad bod”, liposuction may be a good option for you. If after some toning in the gym and achieving a normalized weight you are still unhappy with the shape of your body, then consider scheduling a consultation.Otoplasty
Commonly referred to as “ear surgery”, otoplasty improves the shape, position and proportion of the ear. Men and women alike can be bothered if their ears protrude too far from their head. Because most men wear their hair short they are usually more self-conscious of this than woman. Women have the option to hide their ears by how they style their hair. Men on the other hand have fewer options and you might feel ear surgery is the right choice for you.Neck Lift
The surgical name for a neck lift is a “lower rhytidectomy”. This procedure is designed to improve the jawline and neck.
Men loose firmness in their neck as they age. Sometimes referred to as “turkey neck”, when the skin starts to sag under the chin this can be caused by a number of factors. Gravity, heredity, stress or even environmental conditions can all contribute to excess wrinkling of the neck. A “double chin”, or excess fat that obscures the jaw line, can also be corrected with a neck lift. Men that have a strong jaw line and a defined chin-neck junction put forward a more masculine and youthful appearance.
Gynecomastia is a condition in which male patients have excess breast tissue leading to overdeveloped or enlarged breasts. The surgical procedure to correct Gynecomastia is called “reduction mammaplasty”.
Men can have decreased self-confidence and emotional discomfort over what some call “man boobs”. If you’re struggling with this condition you might avoid certain physical activities and even struggle with intimacy because of it. It’s easy to understand why many men opt to achieve a flatter & more toned chest.
Author: Dr. Stephen M. Davis
Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Stephen M. Davis and his experienced team are committed to total patient satisfaction and excellent results. Green Hills Plastic Surgery first opened its doors in Nashville, TN in 1998 and continues to provide patients with time-honored plastic surgery procedures at TriStar Centennial Medical Center.
Article Name
Most Common Plastic Surgery Procedures for Men
DescriptionThere are many plastic surgery options for men. Surgical procedures can transform your face, body and even breasts. See which procedures are the most requested and why.
Dr. Stephen Davis
Publisher Name
Green Hills Plastic Surgery
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