Many people are having great success achieving major weight loss goals, whether with the help of popular weight loss medications or through diet and exercise alone. No matter how you do it, weight loss is an exciting journey that can come with both wins and obstacles. One challenge that many people face after significant weight loss is being left with loose or excess skin that can be … [Read more...] about 5 Top Treatments to Fine-Tune Your Weight Loss Results
Plastic Surgery
How Many Plastic Surgery Consultations Should You Get?
Getting plastic surgery is a big decision, so it’s perfectly normal to want to get several opinions from different plastic surgeons before finalizing your surgical plan. While there is no magic number to how many plastic surgery consultations you should get, it is possible to get too few and also too many. Here, Dr. Davis explains how to determine the right number of consultations to get … [Read more...] about How Many Plastic Surgery Consultations Should You Get?
Will I Have Loose Skin after Gynecomastia Surgery?
Breast reduction continues to rise in popularity, with a 54% increase in the last 4 years, according to new data from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. While there are many reasons for this spike in the number of requests for breast reduction surgery, the benefits of this procedure speak for themselves. If you are considering this procedure but aren’t quite sure if you could be a good … [Read more...] about Will I Have Loose Skin after Gynecomastia Surgery?
A Postpartum Plastic Surgery Pick-Me-Up
Becoming a mother is a special gift and a rewarding experience like no other. But pregnancy and childbirth do cause changes — sometimes permanent — to a woman’s body, which can be a source of self-consciousness and make some moms feel like they need to cover up a body they were once proud of. First off, if you are feeling bad about your body after having a baby, you certainly are not alone. In … [Read more...] about A Postpartum Plastic Surgery Pick-Me-Up
What Are the Most Common Plastic Surgery Procedures for Men?
Over the last few decades plastic surgery for men has become much more common and popularity continues to rise year after year. Once considered self-indulgent, it’s becoming less taboo to have aesthetic procedures to help men look and feel your best. More people now consider these procedures for self-care. Also, our population is living longer with better quality of life and people are remaining … [Read more...] about What Are the Most Common Plastic Surgery Procedures for Men?
If a Celeb Is Aging Well, Is it Great Plastic Surgery or Good Genes?
It’s easy to get wrapped up in the looks of the celebrities and influencers we see online and on TV. They just look so perfect! And it almost seems unfair that some people can be blessed with such incredible genes. But are they? Yes, many celebs start with a baseline of beauty that is pretty great, but the perfection you see is helped along with med spa treatments and plastic surgery. They … [Read more...] about If a Celeb Is Aging Well, Is it Great Plastic Surgery or Good Genes?
3 Reasons Why a Plastic Surgeon Might Tell You to Wait
It’s not the situation anyone plans for when heading into a plastic surgery consultation. You sit down with the surgeon, and they say, “no,” or “not just yet.” Not everyone is the best candidate for plastic surgery, but for some, surgery just isn’t an option – or they need to wait. Why might this happen? There are plenty of reasons, but here are three that are more likely to pop up. #1: You … [Read more...] about 3 Reasons Why a Plastic Surgeon Might Tell You to Wait
Plastic Surgery in Your 50s: What to Consider
So, the big 5-0 is in the rearview mirror – and in the mirror in front of you, you are seeing plenty of fine lines and some genuine wrinkles. But you are far from old and aren’t interested in looking it. That’s probably why you are researching plastic surgery for people in their 50s. But how is plastic surgery different once you are in that fifth decade of life? There are a few things you need … [Read more...] about Plastic Surgery in Your 50s: What to Consider
3 Times BOTOX® Wins Out Over Dermal Fillers
BOTOX® and fillers have a lot in common. They’re injectables, they reduce signs of aging and you can get them done on your lunch break with a quick trip to the plastic surgeon. However, there is also plenty that separates the two, from how they function to situations they work best in. So, in the battle of BOTOX vs. fillers, when does BOTOX come out on top? Both BOTOX and fillers are great, but … [Read more...] about 3 Times BOTOX® Wins Out Over Dermal Fillers
What to Give Yourself (or Someone Else) before Plastic Surgery
Are you or a loved one gearing up for plastic surgery in the near future? Then you are in need of plastic surgery recovery tips! But there is more to it than just following the recovery instructions your doctor gives you; you also need the right supplies. So, what should you get before plastic surgery? Comfy Clothes What this means will vary based on the surgery you get. For example, if you … [Read more...] about What to Give Yourself (or Someone Else) before Plastic Surgery